5 Dog Health Issues And What To Do If You Suspect Them

Dogs quickly become part of the family and become good friends. Unfortunately, just like their owners, dogs can experience health problems that can negatively impact their lives. THANKS. Many of these problems can be fixed or avoided.

5 Dog Health Issues And What To Do If You Suspect Them
5 Dog Health Issues And What To Do If You Suspect Them

Below are five common health problems in dogs and advice on what to do if you suspect them.

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1. Skin Pain

Dogs often suffer from skin problems that can be caused by a variety of conditions, from infections to allergies. Your dog may scratch or even bite the area excessively, as the skin may become sore, red, scaly, or peeling. Many skin conditions resolve within a few hours without further treatment, but if your dog appears distressed or his condition worsens or worsens, you should consult experts. Creams prescribed by your veterinarian can be used to treat skin problems. However, long-term skin problems in dogs are common, so it’s a good idea to consider pet insurance when you first get your dog.

2. Periodontitis

If left untreated, gum disease is a serious problem for dogs and can lead to serious problems in other parts of the body. Pay close attention to symptoms such as chewing or bad breath and take your dog to the veterinarian if you suspect he may have gum disease.

Plaque and tartar associated with the gums are harmful bacteria that can enter the bloodstream and damage the heart and kidneys. Therefore, if you suspect gum disease, it is important to have your dog examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible. Your best defense against gum disease is to brush your teeth regularly using a special toothbrush. You can give your dog dental chews and add dental products to his food or water.

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3. Ear Infection

If your dog shakes his head repeatedly or tries to scratch his ears, he probably has an ear infection. Discharge, odor, redness, and swelling are additional signs that your ear is injured. If these symptoms persist for more than a day, you should consult your veterinarian. They should be able to recommend an antibiotic or ear cream for your dog.

4. Big Fat

Just like in humans, obesity in dogs can lead to serious health problems such as diabetes and heart problems. Of course, prevention is better than cure, so you should do whatever is necessary to prevent your dog from becoming overweight. It may be hard to resist those adorable puppy eyes, but you shouldn’t give your baby leftovers from a meal. Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise, has few treats and always has fresh water. However, if your dog is already overweight, you need to act quickly to prevent further damage. If you are concerned, talk to your veterinarian.

5. Neck Pain

Joint health is affected by arthritis, a chronic disease. This disease occurs when the bones and cartilage in the joints are damaged. Dogs often develop arthritis, especially as they age, but fortunately it is often treatable. Symptoms include lameness, reluctance to move, changes in behavior, sluggishness, screaming when touched or lifted, slow movements, irritability, and symptoms of pain or discomfort when walking, standing or sitting. If you suspect arthritis, it’s best to ask your veterinarian to examine your dog so they can decide the best course of action.


You want your puppy to have a long, healthy life. Follow our tips to help you recognize health problems and prepare if they arise.

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